Vision 2025 loading now

Shaping a unified vision for climate action in the UK festival and outdoor events industry

The Show Must Go On state of the industry reports (edition #1 & #2) provided indicative benchmarks and a roadmap – the backbone for a cohesive industry narrative and action on climate. 

Now it is time for edition #3 to bring a clear and bold 2030 climate vision for the sector, one which shows leadership and ambition in meeting our immediate and global challenges. 

Vision: 2025 is once again galvanising the live festival and outdoor events industry to bring knowledge, data and information together to establish benchmarks and best practice, understand challenges and solutions, shape a vision for 2030 and develop strong and evidenced policy requests to the government. 

We can only do this together.

To take your place and support this vital and significant work, contribute to the Industry Crowdfunder target of £50,000. The funds will be matched by grant funding, and used for coordination, research, expert inputs, design and communication. 

We understand the challenges festivals are facing and so ask smaller organisations to only give that they can. A range of sponsorship packages offer value for suppliers.

A once in a decade opportunity to contribute to shaping UK industry action and strategy on climate.

Read the full launch Press Release, 17th September, 2024

Download the SMOGO Supporter Deck for more details

Game Changer for The Show Must Go On report #3 – only one available

The top spot for a supporter to show industry leadership and be integrally involved in the process of developing a vision for a sustainable UK event industry to 2030.

SOLD OUT – Gamechanger spot is taken

Investment: £5,000

Headliner Supporter

Be a Headliner Supporter in the Show Must Go On Report 2025: A high-profile opportunity for companies and organisations to demonstrate to the industry they are serious about sustainability and be part of developing a bold vision for an environmentally sustainable UK event industry for 2030.

Investment  £1,500 +

#SMGO3 Chapter Supporter

Get recognised for your work in creating sustainable events in your area of specialism.

It’s opportunity gain significant recognition for your company’s work for events in the area you choose by aligning your profile with this chapter.

Investment £2,000 (Guide Price)

#SMGO3 Champion: Pay what you can to fund this vital resource

Get behind this vital community of action and fund a vision and strategy we can work towards together. Have you event name and logo listed as a champion for sustainability in the UK events industry.

We understand that many festivals are on their knees financially, so just give what you can to make this vital collective work happen.

The Show Must Go On report Background and History:

The first edition of the report was delivered to the COP21 climate change talks in Paris in 2015 as a festival industry response to the global issue. The Show Must Go On edition 1 laid out the impacts of the environmental industry for the first time and launched Festival Vision:2025 a commitment for events to cut their impacts by 50% by 2025 in line with government targets using the clear roadmap and advice provided by the report.

“Experimentation in new practices is a hallmark of many festivals today. In a world grappling with the climate and ecological emergency Vision 2025 has created direction and a community for festivals with a commitment to the earth.” Alison Tickell, Julie’s Bicycle

By 2019 over 100 events had signed up to the Vision: 2025 pledge and were using the advice in the report to cut their environmental impacts. With the urgency on taking climate action growing and government targets changing the Vision: 2025 steering group recognised it was time for and updated edition of The Show Must Go On Report in early 2020 to provide new and comprehensive information and guidance for events and companies.

The report was funded but the industry in a successful crowdfunder that raised £28,000, it was written collaboratively by a working group of leading experts and consultants in resource management, waste, energy, travel, food, and water, led by creative industries environmental charity, Julie’s Bicycle

Alongside the report Vision: 2025 ran an industry campaign to make sure it reached the people who used it to make a real difference. 

Show Must Go On 1 report Launch at The UK Festival Awards, 2015

Now it’s time for the Show Must Go On 2030! As a not for profit organisation, we need funds to be in a position to deliver on behalf the industry, and together we can generate amazing resources and support a community in an incredibly cost-effective way compared to working individually. 

About the new Show Must Go On report:

  • Vision: 2025 will once again bring together a team of leading industry experts and will research, write, design, publish and distribute this free to use, practical & comprehensive advice on how to make events sustainable in key areas.
  • It will include benchmarks that show the state of the industry – this will help us measure progress as a whole and provide a way for individual events to gauge their own progress.
  • The report will have case studies of best practice in the industry and examples of events who are leading the way. 
  • Industry thought-leadership on climate change.

“The Show Must Go On report offers clear evidence and direction for meaningful action on climate change. This issue is bigger than any one of us can tackle alone, and we look forward to sharing this journey to become a pioneering industry through our environmental practices.” Melvin Benn, Festival Republic