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Campaign Launched to Fund and Shape 2030 Climate Transition Plan 

Vision: 2025 has assembled a cross-industry working group, chaired by LIVE CEO Jon Collins, to produce the third edition of ‘The Show Must Go On’. To be published in March 2025, it will focus on creating a climate transition plan for the festival and live outdoor events industry, and making the case to the Government for support to unlock potential for a more sustainable festival and outdoor events future.

The funding target of £50,000 from industry sources will match funds raised from Arts Council England, EarthPercent, Dixon Foundation and Festival Republic.

Specialists in their fields are collaborating with Vision: 2025 to review data and information, establish benchmarks, consider trends and opportunities, engage with industry, and shape a vision for 2030. An important element of the work is to develop strong and evidenced requests to Government for policy change and sector funding to unlock potential.

An industry working group has been formed with A Greener Future, Attitude is Everything, Association for Independent Festivals, Betternotstop, Cheltenham Festivals, Festival Republic, Hope Solutions, Julie’s Bicycle, LIVE, and Norfolk & Norwich Festival, with many other organisations to be involved in the journey through consultation and focus groups.

The Show Must Go On state of the industry reports (2015 and 2020) provided indicative benchmarks and a roadmap – the backbone for a cohesive industry narrative and action on climate for the past decade, and a framework for hundreds of events to take action.

Now it is time for edition #3 to bring a clear and bold 2030 climate vision for the sector, one which shows leadership and ambition in meeting our immediate and global challenges, aligns with government climate targets and the 1.5 degree global ambition.

The work will build on important recent research in the sector such as The Super Low Carbon Music Report by ACT1.5 and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (supported by Massive Attack), the More Than Music Report, produced by Betternotstop, assessment data from A Greener Future, and new data collected this summer.

“The climate crisis is no longer something in the future – it’s happening now, and we must act before it’s too late. Each event business has its own unique challenges in taking climate action but we can pull together in the same direction as an industry to make the journey easier and more impactful.” Melvin Benn, Managing Director of Festival Republic

“There are many reasons that we should develop a transition plan as an industry: A collective approach to ‘what good looks like’ and the actions we take, is more effective for event businesses, climate and nature; collective campaigns lead to results, such as securing 5% VAT during the pandemic, and; regulation and standards are inevitable – by acting collectively and being on the front foot, we can create an evidence base for investment and policy”. Chris Johnson, Vision:2025 Chair

The Show Must Go On will build an essential evidence base to ask the Government to support our sector’s actions on climate” John Rostron, CEO of the Association of Independent Festivals

“I am proud to chair this cross-industry working group and bring together LIVE’s network and resources in support of this critical work.  Clarity of thinking and defined asks of Government will support our sector’s efforts to go further faster in tackling the climate crisis.  Joining together to establish a clear road map can only improve our chances of delivering a truly sustainable UK live music sector”. Jon Collins, CEO, LIVE

A range of support packages offer value for suppliers and a once- in-a-decade opportunity to get involved by funding one of the highest profile sustainability projects the industry has produced.

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