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We are very happy to kick off our Event Industry Leaders Q&A for 2021 by speaking with Chris Rutherford, co-founder of Boomtown Festival.

Vision:202 team member, Natasha Martirosian, shares the gold from her MSc in Environmental Policy and Management on creating a policy framework for the future sustainability of UK festivals.

The Vision: 2025 team are delighted to be hosting a session at the Association of Festival Organisers’ (AFO) 34th conference on Saturday 20th Feb, on the how and why of measuring the environmental impacts of events.

Julie’s Bicycle hosts the next webinar in the Vision: 2025 #WeMakeTheFuture Autumn series, 25 Nov, 2-3pm. The topic is Circular Economy and The Outdoor Events Industry with Patricia Yagüe, Live Nation Europe and Paul Schurink, Green Events Netherland.

Bringing people together who are passionate and dedicated to producing events sustainably and using the power of events for good.

An independent, pan European and cross industry think-tank to inspire people in the music festival and events industry to run their operations greener, smarter and more sustainable.

Guide for event organisers for improving the health and well-being of visitors, the livelihoods of farmers and producers, the welfare of farm animals, conservation of precious wildlife and fish stocks, and the long-term sustainability of our food system.

Guide for Bristol Events, developed to support festivals and events to manage their operations with reduced environmental impact and helping the city to become more sustainable.

Second edition of the report: Outlines the environmental impacts of the festival industry and aims to provide a robust basis for an industry-wide action to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2025.

Environmental certification scheme designed specifically for the creative and cultural industries, recognising and celebrating environmental best practice of events, venues, museums, galleries, festivals and offices using the transparent and methodical Creative Green Framework.

Report on audience travel impacts, the first cross industry response to this issue. Research priorities were to analyse audience attitudes to festival travel and other live events, promote dialogue between operators, promoters and local authorities, and identify barriers and opportunities to reduce emissions.